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About Us

We are job searching finder platform

Finding a job is hard. So we strive to make it easier for everybody. Using artificial intelligence our platform will try to recommend the best 10 jobs around the world that’s suitable for you, based on your resume. We are trying to finding jobs easier for everyone through four simple concepts:

You don’t need to create account just to find the right jobs

Some job platforms required you to create an account just to browse and find the right jobs. In most cases, you’ll end up having multiple accounts in multiple job platform. That’s why epicareer.com doesn’t require you to login or create an account. All you need is your resume, and that’s more than enough.

All jobs in the world, in one platform

Our AI browse deeply through the internet to find jobs from actively hiring companies around the world. You’ll then receive the best 10 unique jobs based on the job’s requirement match score with your resume.

Check your resume can be read by ATS or not

One of our artificial intelligence function works like most of ATS out there. After uploading your resume, you will be then asked to review the information inside your resume. Through this page, you can see which items, points, or information inside your resume that can’t be identified by ATS.

You can also add, remove, or edit the information to make sure you get the best job recommendation that you wanted to. Rest assured that if Epicareer able to read your resume, it means most ATS out there can read it as well.

Make it accessible and free

We want Epicareer able to use by every job-seekers out there no matter what’s their education background, field of interest, or experience level. We also make the service completely free for you.

The timeline of Epicareer

Although we just recently launched, our team work day and night to make sure more accurate job recommendation and to cover more jobs from more countries.

May, 2022

epicareer.com now support remote jobs! We see a high demand on working from home and now include jobs that can be done remotely.

April, 2022

We decided to gather more jobs from around the world starting from India, Philipines, United States, and Europe.

March, 2022

First milestone! Around 35,000 people using epicareer.com to get job recommendation

February, 2022

epicareer.com is launched. At this point, we can only recommend jobs from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore

November, 2021

Our team decided to build epicareer.com. A prototype is launched and tested to hundreds of job-seekers in Asia.

September, 2021

We see unemployment rate in asia goes higher date by date due the effect of the pandemic. At the same time, tons of job-seekers hard to get hired from the jobs that they applied. We then quickly structure a team and brainstorm what’s the best way to contribute solving this issue.

How Epicareer works

Epicareer works by learning key points on a job ads and your resume, then match it together. Our platform able to recommend the best 10 unique jobs for you based on this match score. These are the key points that our artificial intelligence try to read and learn:

You can apply for the recommended jobs by clicking apply button. After that, our system will securely direct you to the site that hosts the job ad such as the company’s website or other job search platform.

Our role as a platform is limited up until you find the right jobs. We don’t handle (receive, or send) any payments since all of the service is completely free. Your job application will be handled by the site that host the job ad. As for the salary range information, we grab it through the job ad description. You’re encouraged to find out more and double confirm it to the job provider during the interview or when you’re being offered the employment contract.

Got more question? Go to our contact page and see how you can reach us. If you have the time, see frequently asked questions by our users and our service terms and conditions.